April Social Media Digest

We hope you had a nice Easter Holiday. Spring is moving closer to an end, and we are looking forward to the summer holidays, but April was rich in the news. And we are back with our monthly social media digest to present it. 

Meta is looking to make in-stream buying more efficient 

In other words, Meta is changing Shop Ads on both Facebook and Instagram. According to Meta, shops that allow users to make purchases within the app instead of referring to a third-party website drive user action much better. That is why Meta is looking to help businesses add checkout to their shops. In the meantime, Meta is going to support website shops till April 24, 2024. Though after August 10, 2023 brands will have to establish a shop in the app or won’t be able to run ads or host a shop at all. Anyway, Meta sees potential in in-app hopping elements.   

More Details: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/meta-looks-to-integrate-shopping-elements-for-facebook-and-instagram-ads/648855/ 

Instagram updates Bio section 

In April Instagram added one of the most long-awaited updates. From now users can add up to 5 links to their bio section. From now your bio section will display how many links are available. As soon as users tap it they will see Linktree-like overview of all the links. The new feature will probably cause the decay of the third-party linking apps but will expand the capacity to drive traffic. You can add multiple links to your profile by clicking ‘Links’ and ‘Add external link’.  

More Detail: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-adds-capacity-to-display-5-links-in-profile-bio/647995/ 

LinkedIn adds CTA button 

That’s a new option for premium LinkedIn subscribers. Adding a custom CTA to your profile will give you the option to direct users to a specified website from your LinkedIn page. This new feature can be extremely handy since many subscribers use LinkedIn to connect to new opportunities. A ‘Custom Button’ provides 6 options to opt for: 

– visit my store 

– visit my website 

– visit my blog 

– view my portfolio 

– request a consultation 

– sign up for a demo 

As soon as you choose the button, you can add an URL to it, which is a good way to promote your business from your LinkedIn presence.  

More Detail: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/linkedin-adds-new-custom-cta-buttons-on-linkedin-premium-member-profiles/648618/ 

YouTube is looking to boost live shopping 

YouTube provides a new way to upload product details. Now users can choose the time when product detail appear instead of uploading it in advance. For now, you’re supposed to upload the product details before the live stream if you want it to be shown while you’re live. So, within the YouTube Studio you can set the time when your product and its description appear. This means you can now show your products within the live stream without disclosing it beforehand. The new feature is actually a good way to maximize interest in the product and drive traffic to your streams.  

More Detail: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/youtube-looks-to-improve-live-shopping-with-scheduled-product-drops/648347/ 

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