
The Reality of Virtual Assistant Career

Today Internet brims with tons of opportunities for creating an online business. The moment you start surfing the net you are bombarded with stories of success “I made $800 in the first month, and now I make $5,000 monthly with little effort”.

You are most likely to bump into ads that promise you big money for little or no effort: “Find Out How You Can Make A Passive Income Online”, “Earn 600$ per Day Risk Free and Completely Legal”, “Earn Extra Money with Minimum Effort”.

Tempting, isn’t it? Who wouldn’t want to reject this no-pain-no-gain formula for success? But would you rather turn your brain into the devil’s workshop or let it rust? Those who enjoy working from home and understand how important it is to have knowledge in whatever they do, keep their memory at its best, develop communication skills, harness new areas of knowledge often choose to jumpstart the career of Virtual Assistant. I entered this niche excited by the prospects this career had to offer.

They say: Make sure you can talk the talk before you try to walk the walk. Hope you won’t thumb down on me if I choose to do it backwards. I have walked my walk and it’s time to share from the inside what this profession has to offer and who is generally in a good position to cut it as Professional VAs and find pleasure in what they do. Apparently, some people are better prepared to join VA companies and work in this line of business. These are:

  • Problem solving addicts

Virtual Assistants are expected to bring a can-do attitude to their task and figure out the best way for it to get done. They love taking the load off of their busy clients and provide them with solid solutions. Clients need to feel the VA is invested in the success of their business.

  • Life-long learners

Virtual assistants have a great deal of marketing savvy. By taking steps to better themselves, keep on top of new tools and technological opportunities, they look for resourceful ways to do things. To win clients’ respect and acclaim VAs strive for excellence and approach tasks with a sense of responsibility. To ensure proper expertise, virtual assistants keep honing their craft and expanding their skills. For example, in the VAfromEurope company all VAs get together on Thuesday, on a weekly basis to discuss and share knowledge or experience gained on different projects.

  • Well-organized employees

An eye for detail is utterly important in this profession. Leave one client’s comment, instruction or, God forbid, deadline unattended and your client will be gone before you know it.

  • People who do not live in the urgent where everything is last minute

In VA company there are many skillful and qualified VAs who will hold your back once deadline is pressing and stress is overwhelming. It happens that sometimes we have to put out fires that are burning our clients’ nerves and careers. But playing a waiting game and then rushing to deadline might leave you hanging on your own.

  • Tactful, gracious and focussed communicators

Part of this job’s lure is a variety of people with different mindsets you get to work with. In this line of business as in any other mutual respect is a key to successful relationships. But there is more: being focussed is extremely important. Focused communicators means good at listening and usually very aware of all facets of a situation, willing to understand where someone is coming from, what they are truly looking for, and help they need.

Easy life and easy money?! Doing the minimum and getting away with it?! Hardly. But if you have necessary qualities and are willing to deliver them then Congrats! You’ve found your niche! Once you’ve nailed it, it’s going to be a brilliant work life.